Des Moines, IA Large City City Project Iowa Child Care & Early Education Network The Network provides vision, leadership, and support for the child care and early education field, and promotes state policies and partnerships to aid the development and learning of all children. Population (Honor Roll) Grade: A- 2.8 % Population Change 24.8 % Population Under 18 Years Health (Honor Roll) Grade: A+ 13.0 % Births to Teens 6.1 Infant Mortality Rate 49 % of Eligible Women not receiving Title X Services 3 Contraceptive Equity 6.3 % of Kids without Health Insurance Education Grade: A- 83.0 % of Residents with a HS Diploma 72 Ratio of PopEd Teachers Trained 3 Sex Ed Data 35 % of Kids Proficient in Reading, Grade 4 33 % of Kids Proficient in Math, Grade 8 Community (Honor Roll) Grade: A 11.9 % of Kids in Poverty 35.3 % Growth in Urbanized Land 377 Rate of Violent Crimes 3 Recycling OVERALL A+ RANK 1 out of 80 Unranked Indicators 198,682 Population 1,021.1 City Density 456,022 MSA Population